Most believer’s I speak too concerning the issue of freedom from pornography seem to be wasting valuable time, hard earned money and resources pursuing freedom with the wrong mindset. Through no fault of their own they are attempting to fight pornography as the world fights pornography with courses, books, meeting, internet blockers etc striving to the point where they exhaust themselves spiritually, mentally and physically.
As you read through our material we believe what’s happening to believer’s today can all be traced back to Numbers 25 were sex was used for the first time as a stumbling block to lure Israel away from God. It was purposely used to distract Israel’s worship, affection and devotion away from God and it succeed so well Satan is using it to the max today.
The believer looking for freedom from pornography should focus solely on rebuilding their relationship with Jesus first and foremost. For this is what pornography is all about, its goal is to completely destroy your relationship with Jesus. It demands that you submit your free time your worship and your total devotion to it.
So when you finally burn out, or grind to a halt and have grown tired of all the gimmicks that the world has to offer in pursuit of freedom please don’t turn your back on the Lord for he is always here waiting on you to realize that your freedom is a by-product of a relationship with the Saviour.
Gen3x Jesus is Freedom, Freedom isn’t Jesus