Lord, Your word has given me everything that I need to raise up a child into a godly adult. I ask that You break the awkwardness that I feel when I approach this subject. The world and the media is leading this generation astray through the lies that it promotes and Lord I want to stand in the gap and counteract them with Your truth. Your servant Moses stumbled with his words and through Your grace he was still able to lead a nation. Lord, I also consider myself your servant and ask that You release through me the courage that I need to lead my family as scripture teaches with wisdom and understanding so that the next generation may be worthy of your name, I ask this in Jesus’ name Amen
Gen3x – Fighting Pornography Together
“Hear, O Israel, Ye Approach This Day Unto Battle Against Your Enemies: Let Not Your Hearts Faint, Fear Not, And Do Not Tremble, Neither Be Ye Terrified Because Of Them. “Deuteronomy 20v3