When it comes to the subject of pornography, the church really hasn’t seen or even experienced, just how far into the pit of hell it’s prepared to take us. We may think that it’s bad at the moment with the statics revealing the high numbers of believers caught up in its snare through the accessibility of mobile devices, but trust me, through reading scripture the very worse has yet to come Matt 24 12, 2 TIM 3. Many in the church have already labelled porn as an epidemic as it struggles to cope with the fall-out so far, so how is it going to manage when hell finally unleashes its final assault. Will it be game over for the church, with no men left to fight?
Church, we are experiencing the calm before the storm – truly we haven’t seen the worst of it yet. Sexual perversion is set to increase and will run rampant and out of control the closer we get to the end days. Take a moment and think how far society has slumped during your life time. The most horrendous sexual content, explicit filth imaginable that the world has ever known is headed our way. It’s like an out of control train tearing down the tracks, running through everything that gets in its way and it’s gathering pace at an unprecedented rate.
We have helplessly stood by the tracks as it gained momentum and acceptance in the form of the girlie mag to the VHS to the DVD to the PC to the Lap top to the tablet to your mobile phone. Has the accessibility of pornography improved your personal and social consequences? Promiscuity, adultery, divorce, prostitution, sex trafficking, child abuse are all on the increase.
The hardcore pornography that was available during the 70s-80s is nothing to what it is today. It was simply desensitizing society and paving the way for the obscene hardcore adult material that we have to endure today. Society doesn’t offer you a get out option from today’s over-sexed environment, but Jesus does when He says “come and follow me”. So as pornography always degenerates into a more vile and sickening perversion, what are we being set up for in the next few years to come?
Already an army of campaigners, pioneers and evangelists are letting us know what to expect for they are already busy at work behind the scenes – lobbying governments, pressurising school authorities, manipulating the media, desensitising society with their sickening agendas and pushing the boundaries as far as they can. Sooner or later it has to explode out of all proportion. What’s about to be unleashed shouldn’t come as a big shock or surprise to us for like gonzo, the enemy is letting us know what’s on the way.
Child-porn – campaigners are working tirelessly to lower the age of consent. Paedophiles are gaining confidence and setting up their own support networks. Police authorities and the legal system can on longer cope with the scale of this.
Bestiality porn – more countries than ever before are making bestiality legal and pioneers are setting up sex farms to cater the demand.
Incestuous porn – is in big demand, no one is willing to interfere in unnatural/ungodly relations.
Snuff porn – euthanasia will finally gain acceptance and each can choose their own way to die.
Along with all the rest of the satanic degenerated filth we won’t give mention to, all presently with us today but waiting patiently on the side lines to be normalised.
The next 5-10 yrs could see all of it become mainstream and by that stage morality will have fallen into the gutter and society will have degenerated into the days of Noah. Don’t be relying on the church trying to stop it because most of it’s rank and file have been led into bondage through it. This is going to take a personal intervention from the Almighty to halt this.
Certainly during my short time here, I have noticed the generations around me showing signs of the same perversity as the first generation to step into the promised land shown through worshipping Baal-Peor. If the word of God isn’t taught correctly, the church has no option but to repeat its past mistakes.
Reading this may be overwhelming, but remember we have a God who hates sin and won’t ignore it. God has a date set with Baal-Peor and its devotees and He won’t show up late. We will get the chance to witness God’s perfect judgement on pornography as He casts it into the lake of fire along with its devotees and worshippers make sure you aren’t one of them. Repent right now and seek Jesus – for your life depends on it.
Deut 32 35 To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.
Gen 3x