Superman has his kryptonite, Samson had his Delilah, and you have pornography, sucking the very life out of you, draining you and zapping you of all your strength and energy until it slowly kills you spirituality, mentally and physically.
Who do you feel safe going to with your problem? Who can you trust not to gossip? It’s not like you can open up and pray about it at the mid-week prayer meeting to rally up support (yet). Gen3X has been set up (go to Q&A) to help those who really want Jesus and who are serious about the way they are grieving the Father’s heart.
Men, you cannot fool around with pornography. It’s out to destroy your relationship with God, your wife and your family. You cannot afford to be lukewarm about this fight – you will need all the help and support that you can get. You are a prize in Satan’s trophy cabinet that he proudly shows off to God and he isn’t going to sit back and give you up. He’s gotten used to your worship and will do anything to keep it.
Share with us and others what you have learned and experienced through your struggles and victory in this battle, let each one of us be an encouragement to the other. Over-weight people can eat a meal together, alcoholics can share a drink, drug addicts can share a needle and get high together, but for the person caught up in pornography, it can be a lonely soul wrenching and soul destroying existence doing what you do in secret and keeping it in the dark.
Now you have someone that you can come to for the help and support you need.
Please feel free to get in touch any-time you need help…
Gen 3x fighting pornography together