Lord, You have brought me to this place and there is nothing that I can hide from you any more. Prepare me Lord for this confession to my spouse. I seek Your guidance, Your presence, Your face, Your strength and Your grace to get the both of us through this situation. Lord smooth this confession and allow me to rest in the knowledge that You are in control. I pray for Your comfort over (enter wife’s name) and able her to receive Your grace throughout this testing time. I am ready to acknowledge my involvement in (confess sin) and allow (wife’s name) to accept my plea for forgiveness. No matter what we both face You are in the process and I will trust You with it. Lord I offer this confession to glorify You, and to disarm the enemy.In Jesus’ name I pray Amen.
Gen3x – Fighting Pornography Together
“Hear, O Israel, Ye Approach This Day Unto Battle Against Your Enemies: Let Not Your Hearts Faint, Fear Not, And Do Not Tremble, Neither Be Ye Terrified Because Of Them. “Deuteronomy 20v3