How far are you prepared to go to lose your inheritance? Pornography, lust, adultery has probably been responsible for bringing down more church leaders, godly men and women, caused more division among congregations and ruined more ministries than anything else we could think off.
How many men have been called to extraordinary ministries but lost their anointing, quenched the spirit and forfeited their inheritance in heaven for another lust filled hour of pornography, adultery or something more sinister. Could this be describing you? You know that God is calling you into a deeper relationship with Him but you can’t seem to break this one little thing that is enabling you from going forwards.
Some Christians assume that every believer who goes to heaven will enjoy the same joy and happiness, but that is not true. The bible makes it clear that not all Christians will enjoy the same position and have the same honour, responsibilty and blessing. The believer In Christ cannot be denied salvation, this part is given equally to every one, but beyond salvation believers can be denied an inheritance and rewards. Christians must give an account for their sins!
2 COR 5 9 Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
You will still have to come face to face with your past. Your sins are forgiven through what Jesus did on the cross, but you must give account to God for what you got up to. So why are you happy to pile on more sarrow as you continue to indulge in pornography?
Gen3x – Fighting Pornography Together
“Hear, O Israel, Ye Approach This Day Unto Battle Against Your Enemies: Let Not Your Hearts Faint, Fear Not, And Do Not Tremble, Neither Be Ye Terrified Because Of Them. ”Deuteronomy 20v3