Pornography will generally prey on believers who are angry or unhappy, with themselves their marriage their jobs their faith or their situations. Porn thrives on suffering, low self-esteem. misery,chaos the negative and stupidity.
Pornography’s attack against the body of Christ would have failed long ago if we were happy, filled with the Holy Spirit, crucifying the flesh and educated in scripture. Its up to us to make our fellowships a better place. If all you do is look for distractions instead of building up your relationship with Christ or sit in front of the television and pollute your mind on sleaze and filth then maybe you are getting what you deserve.
Today’s the day to turn off your TV get on your knees and pray, read scripture and do something positive.
Gen3x Overcoming Pornography
Ps 16 5 The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.