Is the cry that I hear many Christian men fighting pornography come out with. But a basic understanding of what Jesus accomplished over Satan is your guarantee that the “real fight” has already been won. Meditate, soak in, ponder over and let the Holy Spirit reveal to you the victory found in Colossians 2:15. And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. If you don’t start with this scripture as your foundation of what Jesus did when He rose from the grave then everything that you base your knowledge on could be distorted.
Guys let’s be clear about this passage, when Jesus descended He not only plundered hell, He ransacked the place with terror and fear. Stamping HIS Authority and Victory in the face of Satan and every stinking demon in the pit. But wait, he didn’t stop there He made a public “shew” of them. When a king was victorious in battle he would have had a grand victory parade showing of to his people the spoils of war and usually the defeated foe would have been made a spectacle of and humiliated. His victory was the angels cue to throw the biggest party heaven had ever seen. Christ had risen, He has won back what Adam had lost and now we have a future to look forward to. Satan’s still mad he hasn’t forgotten his kicking and is working extra hard to get revenge by taking out as many believers as he can. So the next time he comes to attack you with pornography remind him of his defeat along with his future.
Gen3x helping you beat pornography
“Hear, O Israel, Ye Approach This Day Unto Battle Against Your Enemies: Let Not Your Hearts Faint, Fear Not, And Do Not Tremble, Neither Be Ye Terrified Because Of Them. ”Deuteronomy 20v3