“NOW!” seems to be the cry from a legion of frustrated men at bedtime. The whole idea about porn is sex sex and lots more sex. For the vast majority of men, porn is their first exposure to the ‘birds and the bees’. But, unfortunately, pornography leaves everybody with a completely wrong and distorted view of what God created sex to be through marriage.
Most porn users will deliberately deny their wives tender intimacy and will starve themselves of sex, just because they can’t get to act out the porn-sex they desire. The reason is they are being led by the flesh and not by the spirit. The flesh is selfish, it takes and demands, abuses, defiles and degrades. On the other hand the spirit is gentle, loving, He nurtures and cares. But you don’t need me to tell you all of this, if you would only take time and listen to your wife she will confirm everything.
The ruling spirit behind pornography is driving a wedge between you both and making sure that God isn’t receiving the worship HE deserve’s from when sex is expressed through love. Pornography is constantly squaring up and challenging the Holy Spirit, and it’s using your marriage and sex life to score points.
Let me put it like this, you are being used as a pawn in a chess game. Your porn life is floating you around the board and you can’t make the next move by yourself. So what if your marriage breaks down – there are lots of other pawns to carry on it’s assault against the Holy Spirit.
Gen3x – Fighting Pornography Together
“Hear, O Israel, Ye Approach This Day Unto Battle Against Your Enemies: Let Not Your Hearts Faint, Fear Not, And Do Not Tremble, Neither Be Ye Terrified Because Of Them. ”Deuteronomy 20v3